Felis yagouaroundi possesses a wide go of both open and shut living spaces, incorporating rainforest, swamp and savanna forest, savanna, bushes, and semi-parched thistle scour. It might additionally happen in optional vegetation and aggravated zones, however is thought to favor regions with anyhow some thick ground cover.the generally diurnal conduct and open territories of the jaguarundi imply that it is frequently the most regularly seen feline inside its run, prompting the mixed up conviction that it is moderately rich. Notwithstanding accepted to be a great deal less regular that awhile ago thought, the species is experiencing a decay, generally as an aftereffect of territory misfortune and discontinuity as savannas are changed over for huge scale farming and pasture.

Felis yagouaroundi are occupants of the thick, prickly shrubberies of southern Texas where desert plants, mesquite, feline hook, granjeno, and other spine-studded vegetation proliferates. There, these felines carry on with a life of relative security on the grounds that such bushes are practically impervious to both puppies and man which are their head adversaries. They invest the vast majority of their chance on the ground, however they are master climbers and gather part of their sustenance in the trees and brambles.
Their nourishment comprises of rats, mice, fowls, and rabbits. They likewise are rumored to make advances on poultry. Robert Snow has expressed that their boss nourishment is winged creatures and that the youthful in the lairs are sustained a comparative eating regimen. He reported seeing one old feline spring around the range of 1.5 m into the air and thump quills out of a low-flying pigeon.
Felis yagouaroundi youthful of a litter might all be slate blue, all chocolate tan, or some of them may be blue and the others tan. He reported uncovering numerous litters in the region of Raymondville, Willacy County. No data is accessible on their home life, development, and improvement.
Felis yagouaroundi
Felis yagouaroundi
Felis yagouaroundi
Felis yagouaroundi
Felis yagouaroundi