Jungle Cat is not nighttime, rather completing much of its chasing throughout the unanticipated morning and late evening. The bush feline stalks and ambushes its go after the ground, principally consuming little rodents, for example, rats, mice and gerbils. The bush feline may frequently hop to get flying creatures, for example, birds, ducks and sparrows. Other prey species are chased all the more deftly, including fish, snakes, rabbits, reptiles and creatures of land and water.
Females are sexually develop at the age of 11 months; estrus seems to keep going from January through to mid-April. In guys, spermatogenesis happens essentially in February and March. In southern Turkmenistan, mating happens in January to promptly February. Females conceive litters of three to five cats, generally just three. They at times bring two litters up in a year.
In spite of the fact that the bush feline has a greatly huge extent, it has a somewhat scanty and sketchy dissemination. The bush feline is most rich in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It happens in Africa, where it is discovered just in Egypt, and crosswise over southwest Asia, Central Asia and Southeast Asia, where its extend reaches out the extent that southern China.
Felis Chaus Animals
Felis Chaus Animals
Felis Chaus Animals
Felis Chaus Animals